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501-3c Non- Profit Organization 

Project Human INC., PHINC, was founded and started on July 14, 2017, in the hopes and belief that with proper communication and education we, individually, collectively, and creatively can bridge the gap on mental and emotional health.


PHINC was founded by Adela Hittell as a way for her to discover her own humanity and understand her own mental and emotional trauma. Through PHINC., she was able to form a voice for herself and for others who were and still are just as lost. Her goal is to bring basic forms of education and self-development into the community. "We are self-sufficient in almost anything and we have been equipped with the tools to survive the impossible, but we have not been, and we are not equipped in any shape or form to deal with the consequences of our survival."-Adela Hittell 


As a human race, the stage of development we are in is extremely vulnerable. It has fallen onto us to ensure that we provide the resources and the tools for understanding and curating that development of stability and responsibility of oneself. Humans are lost within themselves and they do not have the tools and the resources to express the inner thoughts and emotions of self. 




The VOICE for those who cannot speak

The EYES for those who cannot see

The EARS for those who cannot hear

The HEART for those who cannot feel


To bridge the gap between mental and emotional health by changing our narrative through creative expression, communication, and education within ourselves and our community.


To create the platform of opportunity where creators of all forms, shapes, and sizes can share their story by finding and using their voice in their form of expression.

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